
Same-Sex Marriage Legal Decision at SCOTUS

  1. I am born. CBS airs The Homosexuals,” which says The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous. He is not interested or capable of a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual marriage. His sex life, his love life, consists of a series of one–chance encounters at the clubs and bars he inhabits.”

Early 80’s. I have my first crush. It’s on a boy. The Reagan administration laughs at AIDS in a press briefing.

Late 80’s. I come out” to myself and fully accept I am gay. The Supreme Court rules that laws banning homosexual sodomy are A-okay.

  1. I begin a committed relationship with Ed. The Supreme Court strikes down sodomy laws. But the next year, President Bush called for a constitutional amendment against gay marriage that would have etched discrimination into our nation’s most sacred document. Then, thanks to a Bush-backed effort, voters in 11 states approved ballot initiatives that banned committed same-sex couples from marrying.

  2. Today, the man I’ve slept in the same bed with for 12 years, 10 months, and 8 days woke me up and said, Will you marry me? We can get married.”

We’re not rushing down to City Hall today, but we are very happy.

Today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we made our union a little more perfect.”

  • President Obama


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