Living with COVID-19 has now just become normal life.
Eighty-five days since work ended for me, and quarantine began. We have visited Darrell & Glen twice and I have visited Alvin & Dani twice. Got take-out food once (from Sukho Thai).
Grocery store visits are not as scary these days. Most people I see in the store are wearing masks.
Had sinus surgery on May 12 and I think it went okay. Doctor thinks so too.
Have done two POB livestream shows. The first was on the laptop and went well, but on the day of the second show, FB had problems so I had to use my phone - and had a lot of audio drop-outs.
Watching a lot of TV. Was making organ videos prior to surgery, but I don’t feel musical lately.
However, I have been listening to a lot of music. Genesis, specifically. I’m two months deep into a full career exploration and I really enjoyed this deep dive. Read Phil and Mike’s bios too.
Gaining weight. Should exercise. Am not.
The idiot manchild is double-digits behind Biden in the polls.
The nation has been protesting George Floyd’s death for nearly two weeks. Black Lives Matter.